(03) 9486 9974 reception@scopegastro.com
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Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any assistance in making an appointment or answers to your inquiries.

Our Staff are trained to help you gain access and be connected to the appropriate Doctor, Clinical Services team or the Managers.

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General Appointment Inquiries: All of our staff are able to assist you with appointment inquiries and changes. Emergencies: All of our staff are able to assist you to identify what needs to be done in the event of an emergency or concern about your case during office hours.  Our doctors always provide after-hours instructions and contact details for individual patients so please check your paperwork for the details. After hours Emergency: Please contact your GP or St Vincent’s Hospital Emergency Department on 03 9231 2211 Address:Suite 5, Level 6, 55 Victoria Parade Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Phone: (03) 9486 9974 Fax: (03) 9486 9975 Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm